Promote public health

Buying refurbished computers, you help reduce the total amount of e-waste which positively affects public health by reducing the number of toxic substances entering the nearby ecosystems. E-waste contains hazardous chemicals like lead, mercury, arsenic which contaminates the soil and groundwater, causing severe health issues, like cancer, if consumed or used to grow crops.

In 2022 the total amount of documented e-waste globally was 59.4 million tonnes.  A lot of the E-waste from the West ends up in illegal landfills in Africa and Asia. Living near an e-waste landfill can have several consequences:

  • Environmental pollution: E-waste contains toxic substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants. Improper disposal or management of e-waste can lead to the release of these hazardous materials into the environment, contaminating air, soil, and water sources.
  • Health risks: Exposure to hazardous substances from e-waste can pose serious health risks. Inhalation of toxic fumes or dust can lead to respiratory problems, neurological disorders, and damage to organs like the liver and kidneys. Contaminated water sources can also cause gastrointestinal and other illnesses.
  • Soil and water contamination: Improper disposal practices can result in the leaching of toxic substances into the soil, affecting its fertility and posing a threat to agricultural crops. Contaminated soil can also lead to the pollution of groundwater, endangering local water supplies and ecosystems.
  • Air pollution: Burning or incineration of e-waste releases harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution and the formation of hazardous particles. This can lead to respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and other health complications for nearby residents.
  • Negative socioeconomic impacts: Living near an e-waste landfill can affect property values, making it harder to sell or rent homes in the area. Additionally, the presence of such a landfill can deter potential investors and businesses, leading to economic decline and job loss in the community.

To mitigate these consequences, proper e-waste management and recycling practices are essential to ensure the safe handling, disposal, and recycling of electronic waste. At T1A only 1% of all processed IT is actual e-waste. 99 % is either refurbished for resell or recycled into raw materials.